During my childhood days my father used to boast about his Olivetti typewriter. It was a beauty, encased in a brief case and with greenish taint paint. He owned it for at least two decades and if somebody asked about his typewriter he felt good. I can not recall that he used it very regularly, except for typing out occasional official letters. All personal letters were hand written in those days. My father gifted it to someone who really needed it and felt very good for the rest of his life.
I got a mobile connection a few years back and settled for a good basic handset, I was the proud owner of it for around three years. However, I had to upgrade as my colleagues already did and bought a swanky new handset while on tour with some additional features like one mega pixel camera, music player etc. without thinking of even consulting my family. On dinner table when I announced my new mobile handset:
You had one already!
Why did you settle for one mega pixel?
Does it have boom box? (what was that)
What about e-mail facility? Synchronization? GPRS? Push mail?
Apps availability, compatibility? etc. etc.
It was a discussion among us for a very long time without me participating. I was not the proud owner of my new swanky mobile any longer. I needed a better model with better facilities and meeting all the parameters discussed in this grand forum. Probably then only I shall be a "proud owner".
I secretly negotiated with my tween son, he was happy to keep the set as a music player without connection, once I buy a new set which will make me feel good. I consulted with my colleagues, googled and settled for a pricey handset with touch screen, tons of apps and amazing processing power beyond my laptop (a three year old vintage).
Oh, a new mobile!
Dad, you should have waited for another two months, better models are coming to market.
Can it up upgraded to newer version of software?
Facebook, Tweeter, GPS?
etc. etc.
Another long discussion, but I was mentally prepared to remain loyal to this new handset. It burnt my pocket to a very wide hole. After that there were two newer versions of this handset within one year or so. I resisted my ardent urge to buy the newer versions and be an example to my sons on mental strength.
On a fine day, my teen son impressed me to hand over this set to him as he was tired with his old set and exhausted his pocket money and I should buy the latest version which will make me feel good. I got much awaited desired support, so I bought the latest model available in town costing a fortune. I kept it in my pocket, did not inform about it during dinner. I am going to use it for making phone call and for text message, but I am no so sure if I shall be a proud owner. Other facilities? No I am not that adept to them and do not find any use of those mostly unnecessary apps. My wife knew my plight of fidgeting those apps to her dismay. She discovered the new set when I placed on bedside table, she just whispered
Oh, another new mobile!
and fell asleep without uttering another word.