Sunday, December 18, 2011


When I passed on the information on my planning to start a blog to my family-"Oh' another new blog'; pat came the reply in unison from my wife, a teen and a tween sons.

Where will you find time? 
What will you write?
You are not very good at expression even you face is not expressive.
Lets see for how many days the blog will last.
OK,agreed but what will be the name of the blog?

I told them I have already registered and passed the name and the domain of my blog to them. Suddenly, a loud silence filled the room with apprehensions. Five minutes passed, my tween son encouraged me "Dad you can do anything with elan, just like my last project work ". That was when he was six, now he is twelve; but I knew he was genuine. Teen aged one requested to write and read at least twice before posting, at seventeen he can give me advise, I felt very proud for him.

My wife agreed to extend her valuable supports in all forms, including but not limited to encouragement, if possible, by contributing her writings.

So, here I am with lots of gutso in front of you.

1 comment:

  1. You sure can write very well. I say so because I could visualize the conversation you all had together regarding your blogging.Great going ,Mama!
